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Turkish Metal Exporters Delegation successful visit to Israel

Istanbul Metal Exporters delegation from Türkiye visited (15 - 18.01.2022) Israel.

During the visit, which was made possible thanks to support of Turkish Ministry of Trade, the delegation had B2B encounters, met the Ambassador of Türkiye and ITBC board members. The delegation was composed of 24 participants, representing 18 companies.

This visit, among others which took place recently in both directions, reflects the importance attached by Turkish business circles to cooperation with Israel, including joint opportunities in third countries, as marked by the visiting delegation President.

Turkish Ambassador in Israel, H.E.Şakir Özkan Torunlar expressed his satisfaction in view of the increasing trade volume between the two countries and reiterated his open door policy to business community of Israel and Türkiye alike. ITBC Honorary President Mr. Moris Reyna, on his part detailed the expactations from Israel-Türkiye cooperation in Infrastructure projects.

Picture was taken from supply-chain1

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